Yes, of course. Please ensure you provide the recipients accurate address and contact details with any further delivery instructions. You would also need to ensure that someone is available to receive and sign for the parcel.

Unfortunately, we do not sell assorted boxes. However, it can be ordered as a custom order, with a minimum quantity of 30 boxes.

Yes. Individual cookies are sold as custom orders. They are generally used as wedding and party favours, with a minimum order of 50 individual cookies. Branding can be done according to your event. Please contact us directly with your requirements and we will provide a quotation.

We handle your orders with the utmost care to ensure that your delicious cookies arrive fresh and safe. All cookies are sealed and carefully packed into the appropriate cookie box. Cookie boxes are then placed into courier boxes to ensure safe delivery.

Please Whatsapp us directly (before placing an order online) and we will advise on the best way to arrange for your order to be delivered urgently.